Pests is a nuisance animal of plant. Which can lead to impaired growth, can even cause plant death. We must control orchid plant pests. However, orchid plants tend to be more resistant to pests. Especially orchids with good care. Plant hygiene and environmental conditions are well maintained. Plant growth and controlled properly maintained. Orchid plant pests, suggesting that these plants received less attention from the owner. Eradication of pests do not wait until widespread. So that the ill effects from pests can be avoided. With the control and supervision each day, the early symptoms of pest attack can be quickly detected. So that control measures are quickly done. Prevention is better to make prior to pest attack occurs. Some pests of orchid plant: 1. The ants Ants like to come in droves, while the orchid plants are budding or begin removing flower buds. Ants will bite the young shoots and flower buds. So that the injured part. Cell fluid that comes out from the woun...