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How To Care Corn Plant For Good Grow

Corn Plant Care For Good Grow - Corn plant is one plant that needs watering well. If you want to cultivate them do not forget to prepare the land with good irrigation.

Spacing can be determined by the number of plants per hole according to the desired. When in a hole to grow 3 plants, whereas only the desired 2 or 1, then the plant should be reduced. Plants that grow well at least, cut with a sharp knife or scissors just above the soil surface. Revocation of the plant should not be done directly, because it would injure the roots of other plants that will be allowed to grow. Stitching aims to replace the seeds do not grow / die.

This activity is carried out 7-10 days after planting. The number and types of seeds as well as equal treatment in the stitching when planting. Stitching should use the seeds of the same type. Stitching time later than two weeks after planting.

Weeding Care

Weeding aims to clear the land of plant pests (weeds). Weeding is done in 2 weeks. Weeding the young corn plants usually by hand or a small hoe, fork and so on. What is important in weeding does not interfere with the plant roots at that age are still not strong enough grip the ground. This is usually done after a 15-day-old plants.

The base hoarding Plants

Stockpiling base in conjunction with weeding plants and aims to strengthen the position of the stem, so the plants do not easily fall down. In addition, to cover the roots emerging from the ground due to aeration. This activity is performed at 6-week-old plants, along with the time of fertilization. The trick, land on the right and left rows of plants at the piled with a hoe, then dumped in row crops. In this way will form an elongated mound. Stockpiling for energy efficiency is usually carried out along the base of the plant with a second weeding is after 1-month-old plants.


Dose of fertilizer for every hectare of corn is as much as 200-300 kg urea, fertilizers TSP / SP 36 as much as 75-100 kg, and fertilizer as much as 50-100 kg. Fertilization can be done in three stages. In the first phase (basic fertilizer), fertilizer is given along with the time of planting. In the second phase (supplementary fertilizer I), fertilizer given after 3-4 weeks-old corn plants after planting. In the third phase (II supplementary fertilizer), fertilizer given after 8-week-old corn plants.

Irrigation and watering care

Once the seeds are planted, watering as necessary, except when the soil has been moist. The next irrigation is given sufficiently in order to keep the plants do not wilt. But ahead of flowering plants, the water required to have a greater flow of water in the trenches of the corn plant

Pests and disease care

Pesticide use is only allowed after the visible presence of pests that could harm corn production. The pesticides used are pesticides used to control caterpillars. Implementation of the spraying should demonstrate the sustainability of natural enemies and pests that attack the population level, so that this treatment would be more efficient.

That's what we need to do to take care of this plant to plant corn thrives and produces high-quality corn. These plants do not require excessive maintenance as ornamental plant such as anthurium plant. But you have to keep taking good care of your  cultivated plants
