How To Cultivate And Care For Vinca Plant - Herbal plant vinca (Catharanthus roseus / Vinca rosea / Ammocallis rosea / Lochnera rosea) is a plant producing a reliable herbal medicine, used by humans since ancient times for medicinal herbs, as herbs are never forgotten. Vinca plants grow well in tropical areas, abundant flowers, a beautiful shape with color from purplish-pink, pink or white. Widely planted in pots or yard or the yard, because the beauty of flowers. This plant also has many benefits such as echinacea plant.
Vinca plant is a shrub, this plant comes from Madagascar, but widely cultivated in subtropical and tropical regions around the world. Widely cultivated as a producer of herbal products. As a wild plant can grow to heights up to 1m or more, but widely cultivated generally only grow to about 15-60 cm tall, tall plants generally will fall by the wind.
Cultivate Vinca PLant
Vinca plant is one plant that is easy to grow, relatively not too much trouble, flowering non-stop throughout the year in cold regions or in the tropics. Propagated from seed or by stem cuttings.
Propagation by seed must first be saved in the shade and moist, not in water, until the seeds grow small buds about 10 days. Carefully spread on farm land with a distance of 45 cm x 30 cm or 45 cm x 45 cm. Seed from seed takes 2 to 3 kg each hectare land. After two months of age can reach 15 cm high and 30 cm.
Care For Vinca Plant
The best growth in morning sun or shade during the day with, it is without shade in the afternoon with the sun is too bright causing the leaves curled or wilting. Although drought tolerant, but require watering, especially during the initial planting, and no resistance to soil moisture or excessive watering.
Can grow in poor soil or rich soil, the humidity is not too dry nor too wet. Fertilization can be done but do not require fertilization of two weeks or once every month with balanced liquid fertilizer. Too much fertilizer will produce leaves that are thick with flowers decreased.
No serious pests and diseases, however need to be prevented and eradicated some diseases, pests such as snails and stem rot, leaf spot and yellow flowers that may occur.
Those are some things we need to consider in taking care of vinca plants. If you want to cultivate this plant you need to know the ways to take care of this plant. We hope this article will be useful for you.
Vinca plant is a shrub, this plant comes from Madagascar, but widely cultivated in subtropical and tropical regions around the world. Widely cultivated as a producer of herbal products. As a wild plant can grow to heights up to 1m or more, but widely cultivated generally only grow to about 15-60 cm tall, tall plants generally will fall by the wind.
Cultivate Vinca PLant
Vinca plant is one plant that is easy to grow, relatively not too much trouble, flowering non-stop throughout the year in cold regions or in the tropics. Propagated from seed or by stem cuttings.
Propagation by seed must first be saved in the shade and moist, not in water, until the seeds grow small buds about 10 days. Carefully spread on farm land with a distance of 45 cm x 30 cm or 45 cm x 45 cm. Seed from seed takes 2 to 3 kg each hectare land. After two months of age can reach 15 cm high and 30 cm.
Care For Vinca Plant
The best growth in morning sun or shade during the day with, it is without shade in the afternoon with the sun is too bright causing the leaves curled or wilting. Although drought tolerant, but require watering, especially during the initial planting, and no resistance to soil moisture or excessive watering.
Can grow in poor soil or rich soil, the humidity is not too dry nor too wet. Fertilization can be done but do not require fertilization of two weeks or once every month with balanced liquid fertilizer. Too much fertilizer will produce leaves that are thick with flowers decreased.
No serious pests and diseases, however need to be prevented and eradicated some diseases, pests such as snails and stem rot, leaf spot and yellow flowers that may occur.
Those are some things we need to consider in taking care of vinca plants. If you want to cultivate this plant you need to know the ways to take care of this plant. We hope this article will be useful for you.
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