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Controlling Pests And Diseases of Rose Plants

Control of Pests and Diseases of Rose Plants

Pest and disease control, it is necessary to make the roses still thrive. With a good pest control will result the beautiful roses.

 There are many pests on roses include:

    Mites (Tetranicus urticae). And symptoms of this pest is the emergence of nekrosa spots on the leaves in large numbers. There is a kind of spider webs are subtle, especially on the underside of the leaves when the attack is severe. These pests will easily arise when the temperature in the shade of tall plants in the house, with low humidity.

    Aphids. Aphids ('Aphids') common in the plant when the conditions are hot and dry. These pests will suck plant fluids at the end of the leaves and buds of young plants and young flowers, which will lead to the ends of the plant to be 'wrong shape' when mature. Ticks are often invited to leave a sooty secretions.

    Thrips. These pests like plant shade house conditions are hot and dry as the mites. This pest plants will absorb the liquid, especially on the crown of flowers, and difficult to control because the flower buds in hiding during the day.

    Beetles. Rose beetle pests attacking crops by eating the leaves, stems, and flowers, causing holes in the flowers are eaten.

In the unfavorable environmental conditions, ie at high humidity, poor air circulation, and a lot of fog, lots of diseases that may appear on roses. Here are some of diseases:

Powdery mildew ('Powdery Mildew'). The disease is caused by a fungus that attacks Spaeroteca pannosa leaves, stems, flowers and roses, it looks like there is a white powder on the plants. This disease occurs when the night temperature drops to 150C or the day lower with the high humidity of 90% -99%, whereas in the daytime high temperatures with low humidity.

Black spot. The growth of black spots mainly on leaves of roses, followed by leaf yellowing and leaf drop is a result of later attacks 'black spot' which is caused by a fungus and Mansanina Diplocarpon rosae rosae.

Rotten flowers. Rot disease-causing fungus Botrytis cinerea is a flower. The flowers will have bloomed and looked brown rot and is a symptom of this disease.

Those are some tips for controlling pests and diseases of rose plants, with a few tips that you can be more careful in the care of roses. Do not forget to keep watering and fertilize roses to flourish


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