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Controlling Pest and Disease of Apple Plant

Controlling Pest and Disease of Apple Plant

We must control pests and disease of apple plant. Pests and diseases that attack apple plants can damage apple trees, flowers, and fruit. This can reduce fruit quality will even be able to eventually reduce the production of apple. Therefore, apple growers should be aware of pests and diseases that often affects apple plant and how to control it.

Controlling pests of apples plant :

1. Green Leaf louse (Aphis Pomi Geer)

Symptoms: This pest attacks began inhibit flowering and fruiting resulted when the young fruit fall or lower quality of the fruit. In the great attack resulted in no fertilization occurs.

Way to control:

- Biologically, using natural enemies such as Coccinellidae and Lycosa.
- The technical culture, sanitation and spacing of planting a garden.
- In chemistry, with an insecticide such as Pegasus 500 EC or 40 EC Supracide 2 times a week when there are 5 individuals per leaf.

2. Spider mite (Panonychus ulmi)

Symptoms: Attacks on the fruit resulting in brown spots.

   Way of control:
- Biologically, using natural enemies such as Coccinellidae and Lycosa.
- In chemistry, the use of pesticides as much as 2 EC Committee of 570 cc per liter of water every 2 weeks at the beginning of an increasing number of pests, ie when the tail was found 8 ticks per leaf.

3. Thrips

Symptoms: The attack on the fruit that is still very young and the resulting scar is brown-gray.

  Way of control:
- Biologically, using natural enemies such as Coccinellidae and Lycosa.
- In chemistry, using a contact insecticide such as Lannate 25 WP, the dose is 2 cc per liter of water. Moreover, it can also Lebacyd 550 EC, the size of 2 cc per liter of water at the time of flowering plants, or if found to be 10 head lice per leaf.

4. Leaf caterpillar (Spodoptera litura)

Symptoms: Attacks caterpillars on fruit and scarring occur in the skin of fruit.

  Way of control:
- The technical culture, by removing the worm eggs before they hatch.
- In chemistry, the use of insecticides, if found to 2 larvae per leaf caterpillars with insecticides like Tamaron 200 LC, Nuvacron 20 SCW, Matador 25 EC with a size of 2 cc per liter of water.

5. Vacuum Leaf insects (Helopheltis sp)

Symptoms: The attack on the fruit by sucking the fluid cell and the resulting brown blotches, nekroses and can result in broken pieces.

 Way of control:
- The technical culture, the fruit with plastic wrap.
- In chemistry, such as by spraying insecticide Lannate 25 WP, Baycarp 500 EC with a size of 2 cc per liter of water.

Controlling diseases of the apple plant

 1. Powdery Mildew or Moisture Flour (Podosphaera leucoticha)

 Symptoms: Attacks on young fruit and lightly browned on the old fruit skin color becomes brown.

 Way of control:
- The technical culture, by clearing grass around plants and cut flowers or young fruit is infected, collected and then burned.
- In chemistry, a fungicide such as dinokap / Karathane size of 4 grams per liter, quinometionat / Morestan size of 1 gram per liter when an attack leaves 5​​% of the total. Spraying after defoliation (leaf abortion) to the shoots was 4-5 weeks with a distance of 7 days.

 2. Leaf spots (Marssonina coronaria J.J. Davis)

 Symptoms: The attack on the old leaves 4-6 weeks after perompesan (cutting twigs and leaves that are not productive). At first, white spots appear on leaves irregular, brown, black dots occur on the surface, starting from the old leaves, young leaves down to its fall.

 Way of control:
- The technical culture, set the spacing is too tight, the part that got thrown away and burned.
- In chemistry, the Agrisan 60 WP fungicide spray size is 2 grams per liter of water, the dose from 1000 to 2000 grams per hectare from 10 days after rompes with the distance of time (interval) a week. Moreover, it can also use Delseme size 2 MX 200 grams per liter of water, Henlate 0.5 grams per liter of water since the age of 4 days after rompes a distance of 7 days to 4 weeks.

3. Fungus (Berk et Br salmonicolor Cortisium)

Symptoms include four stages, namely: (1) Stadium spiders: a thin mycelial fungal form resembles a spider's web and not through the network, (2) Stadium hump: fungal mycelium started to form hyphae and infect the skin, (3) Stadium Cortisium : mushrooms form a crust, pink and more parents will become darker pink or white. In this phase of the infection is severe and the skin under the crust wood has decayed and dried; (4) Stadium Necator: mold forming small dots of deep red, the edge of decay and dry.

 Way of control:
- The technical culture, by cleaning the grass and reduce shade canopy, reducing the moisture farm, remove the diseased and the wound was closed with wound closure or drugs.
- In chemistry, with spray  with calcium oxide plus fungicide

5. Fruit rot (Gloeosporium Sp.)

Symptoms: The attack on the fruit in the garden and harvest in the barn. At first, small spots appear greenish, rotting, globular, next turn to brown blotches and spots are black. At the end of the fruit color to orange.

 Way of control:
- The technical culture, by picking the fruit not too ripe. Then the plant is disease resistant varieties.
- In chemistry, by spraying fungicides on plant or when the fruit will be stored first dipped into a fungicide such as benomil 0.5 grams per liter of water.

 6. Root rot (Armilliaria Melea)

Symptoms: attack the apple plant in the wet cold areas, characterized by wilted leaves and autumn leaves, roots and bark rot.

 Way of control:
- The technical culture, the infected apple plant pulled up by the roots and used the hole is not planted for a year.
- In chemistry, by spraying fungicides on plant or when the fruit will be stored first dipped into a fungicide such as benomil 0.5 grams per liter of water.

Those are some pests and diseases of the apple plant and how to control, you should still take care of apple plant that you cultivate so you can produce good quality fruit.


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